Current Conditions at
Los Altos, CA
As of: 02/15/15 6:32p

Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change.

Temperature: 62.2°F
High: 78.2°F at 2:55p
Low: 42.8°F at 7:26a
Dewpoint: 51.5°F
Humidity: 68%

Wind: NNE at 0.0 mph
Gust: 11.0 mph at 12:34p
Wind Chill: 62.2°F
Avg Wind Past 10 Mins: NNE at 0.0 mph

Barometer: 29.903 in and Steady
Heat Index: 61.7°F
THW Index: 61.7°F

Today's Rain: 0.00 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in
Current Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr
High Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr at ----

Solar Radiation: 0 W/m²
UV: 0.0 index

Sunrise: 6:57a
Sunset: 5:48p
Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Office Temperature: 71.6°F
Office Humidity: 55%
Attic Temperature: ---°F
Attic Humidity: ---%
Garage Temperature: ---°F
Garage Humidity: ---%
Crawl Space Temperature: ---°F

6 Inch Soil Moisture: ---
6 Inch Soil Temperature: ---°F
12 Inch Soil Moisture: ---
12 Inch Soil Temperature: ---°F
18 Inch Soil Moisture: ---
18 Inch Soil Temperature: ---°F
30 Inch Soil Moisture: ---
30 Inch Soil Temperature: ---°F
Sunlight Leaf Wetness: ---
Shade Leaf Wetness: ---

EMC: 12.8%
Air Density: 0.0750 lb/cu.ft
Daily ET: 0.096 in
Daily Rain: 0.00 in
Monthly ET: 0.996 in
Monthly Rain: 3.30 in
Yearly ET: 2.666 in
Yearly Rain: 3.31 in
